Originally uploaded by I am hello.
I thought that being at the Museum of Science & Industry before 10am today would be impossible. I was not feeling well last night, so I was fast asleep by 6.30pm. I know - unheard of, right? And yet it was obviously something I needed to do. If not to preserve my sanity, then definitely to prepare myself for this morning's cultural onslaught.
Right down at 5700 S Lakeshore is the Museum of Science and Industry and I'd never seen it till this morning. It is a gorgeous old building outside, but the inside is all things modern.
We were really there to see the "Bodyworlds" exhibit. I missed it last year, and I vowed not to repeat that. The exhibit basically showcases plastinated human bodies - real human bodies - that have been donated to science and molded into something spectacular. You can really see the muscles, nerves, and organs - and in some cases, the eyebrows of these people!
Once I arrived at the museum I thought I might be squeamish but instead, I was fascinated. And riveted. I even went over to the "touch" table and held a human liver and even a kidney. The liver is a lot bigger than you'd think (though I suspect that, in the case of an Australian, it needs to be!).
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