Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Last Kiss - a review

Blowing kiss
Originally uploaded by PinKy_BLu$h.

Yesterday was a super busy day Downtown when Lex and me basically decided we needed fresh air and a change of scenery. So we went to a sparkling wine tasting, trawled the shops for a new winter coat for Lex, and then retired with a late lunch. But we found sufficient energy to watch "The Last Kiss" with Zach Braff.

The movie has been getting pretty horrible reviews but perhaps the rest of the theater hadn't heard about that cause the cinema was pretty well full by the time the movie started. I think on reflection, the critics have been pretty harsh on the film across the board.

I found the story to be really sad but surely predictable. A 29 year old guy realises he's about to turn 30 and is able to look at his life and think he sees it pretty clearly into the future. He's got the girlfriend, good job, baby on the way, and friends all around him in various stages of settlement (or settled down-ness, if that's a word).

Enter the brunette temptation. What's a guy to do?

So the story unfolds amidst general relationship crumbling all around the main characters. Husbands are not what wives thought they'd be, and definitely vice versa. Men have second thoughts, and women mistakenly think they've got their men all figured out. Dishes are broken, doors are slammed, tears flow.

It's a pretty good movie to be honest, and Lex and me really enjoyed it.

But it's definitely not a movie for a first date, or for anyone who is in ANY WAY uncertain about a relationship they're in. I think the movie would have you looking at your boyfriend/husband and wondering what either of you would do if opportunity knocked.

The movie advocates telling the absolute truth, and doing everything that it takes to win back the love of your life. It's a pretty painful movie to watch in some parts, cause you start to wonder what you'd do in the same situation - both as the person that cheated, and the one that got cheated on. It's a tough call either way.

But the soundtrack rocks and the supporting cast are wonderful. Give me Casey Affleck over Zach Braff any day, sorry Lex.

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