Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It's in the bag

Originally uploaded by madmaharaja.
On the weekend I did some amateur carpentry, and last night I turned my hand to plumbing.

I took a trip to my blessed Walgreen's supermarket and fitted myself out with not one, but TWO shower curtains.

Water no longer goes all over my bathroom, but now it feels like I'm showering in a plastic bag.

I feel just like Janet Leigh in the manner of dodgy hotel room ablutions right before Norman Bates comes flying in to end it all.

IKEA deserves top marks for its doonas though. Mine is extra snuggly. I am contemplating buying an electric blanket just for good measure in the colder months.

In winter time, from the comfort of my bed, in the horizontal position, I will be able to open one eyeball and see the snow falling outside. But I will be warm and toasty in my little IKEA cocoon and be quite smug, thank you very much.

Slowly but surely I can tell that the room is taking shape. Photos will follow of course. Promise.


Anonymous said...

Just remember that you never bend, spike or mutilate an electric blanket otherwise you run the risk of making like a piece of toast. You get shot across the room right out the end of your snuggly litle doona.

Unknown said...

Yes good point. I will also have to remember to turn the blanket off when I get into bed - nothing like waking up in the middle of the night thinking you have Scarlet Fever or the Ebola Virus or somethin equally ghastly...