Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Up and away

Originally uploaded by noqontrol.
I don't know what strings were pulled or what promises were made, but I now have my working visa for the USA.

After two awful days in London, spent lining up at the US Embassy, and being rejected for inadequate paperwork, I've got it.

My diplomatic visa (that apparently gets me no perks whatsoever but neverthless sounds impressive) is a black and white photo that looks like a stunned mullet's mugshot.

Who cares, I'm off to Chicago tomorrow and that's all that matters.

Ciao for now - will post more news soon!!


Anonymous said...

Im sure the photo looks boodiful!

Am glad that you are happy, safe and sound!

Make sure you describe Chicago to me when you get there from the noise, atmosphere, people etc.

Anonymous said...

hey gab, good luck in your new lifes adventure