Thursday, October 27, 2005

Batter, swing batter!

The White Sox have won the World Series!!!
For the first time since 1917, the Chicago boys have done the City proud. I bet you that Mayor Daley is going to rename city streets after the players. Just as I'm starting to get used to the existing street names now! ARGH.
I joined an all-boys night out at a place called "Jak's Tap" on the West Side, and it's an amazing place. There are 40 beers on tap, but I chose Heineken cause I was under pressure, and hadn't even heard of some of the others on offer.
With us tonight was Rakesh and Brad (naturally); plus "Bush Taco" Rob; and their frat brother, Trey, a lawyer originally from Boston. All the boys know a bit about baseball but Rob is the afficianado of the bunch, but he had 'issues' because he's a Cubs fan and hates the Sox with a passion. We kept him plied with beers and shots of Jagermeister, so he tolerated our company.
We were quite a noisy bunch by the end of it, but it was more to keep up with the excitment in the bar. No one wanted a lengthy repeat of last night's game (14 innings, compared to the normal 9 inning game), but our spirits soared.
I still don't really know what won us the game. But it had a lot to do with a Sox player who leapt the railings to catch a ball. Then the last catch of the night got a player out who was running to first base. And he was only JUST out - it was magic.
But it's all over now. We move on to Halloween and other things. Weird really that the Sox won the Series 4-0. That's not really a competition I suppose, is it?
And it's not even like I can become a groupie, since I know neither the rules of the game, nor the players that play it. Perhaps I'll get it next season...
It seems the good Aussies are more au fait with this baseball malarkey than I; so I'll leave it to them to fill you in on the details.

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