My Aussie mate Pete told me yesterday morning that his hangover felt like midgets were mining for bauxite in his brain. And after I smugly scolded him for drinking heavily mid-week, I promptly went out for Caro's birthday drinks (caught up with Pete) and after sharing several bottles of Veuve Cliquot, my own hangover makes me feel like I've been hit by a bus. Driven one of Pete's midget miners no doubt. I am just grateful that Pete is not at work today to get me back.
So you can understand my incredulity when I slid into my seat at work, accessed my email and found a message from a Polish travel agency complimenting me on the photo you see here.
Not only did they like my photo, but they want to use it on their website, can you believe it? The aim is to encourage more Polish people to get out and see more cities across Europe! Of course I will not be paid (not even in pierogi), but I will be fully credited on their website with my name, the fact that I am Australian, and giving a link to my Flickr photo album.
Now that I have researched the company, realised it is not bogus, and that it is not run by insane people with peculiarly good taste in photography (hehe), I have given my permission for the photo to be used on the site. I'm not sure when the photo will be up there, but you can always keep an eye on to closely monitor my new career as a member of the international paparazzi.
Mind you, I did place a caveat on the use of my picture, absolving me of any responsibility for the hordes of Polish tourists about to converge on the People's Palace in Glasgow. My advance sympathies go out to the Gift Shop Lady.
Now you should go on a photo spree while under the influence of Veuve . Those would be interesting!!!Shame you couldnt get any food out the deal or a free trip.
The poor People's Palace - I can only hope there are no Allstaff 'Here's your cheque', 'No I'm a Pole' kind of exchanges.
I'm not sure that Peter is helping as much as he could be here ... not even pierogi??!!?? - by the way, cheese or sauerkraut??
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