Monday, January 09, 2006

Sayde the Cleaning Lady

sapu Muntilan
Originally uploaded by Farl.
On Sunday I actually got motivated and cleaned the apartment. I swept, dusted, and mopped from the front to the back door. I was a cleaning machine!

And when I'd finished, I collapsed exhausted onto my nice clean bed, and fell fast asleep in the middle of the afternoon. What's up with that!?

My muscles hurt today too. Enough of this crap. I'm getting a cleaning lady.


kilabyte said...

You clean the apartment once in 3 months and now reckon you've earned the right to hire a cleaning lady????? Shame ....... Obviously you're in sync with the Spoggy who also cleaned her room on the weekend - 3 mini-skips and a new bag in the vacuum cleaner later ...... we also now have a dinner set for 8 again - found the missing 5 setting.

Anonymous said...

it is to laugh!