Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Frozen snot

An unsavoury blog post title, if ever there was one - agreed.

But it's the only way I can get you to fully appreciate the chill that has set over Chicago in the last two days. I am rugged up in an extra long scarf, my Parisian duelling gloves, and my snuggly North Face jacket, and trying to mastermind a way to bring my bed quilt to work.
I woke up this morning like a kid on Christmas Day. Peeking through my blinds, I wanted to see whether a thin film of powdery snow had settled on any stationary object overnight. But it had not. Snow isn't forecast until tomorrow, and judging by the ferocity of the winds, the snow won't have a chance to settle. Rather, it will whip me in the face with stinging viciousness. And I think the novelty will wear off pretty damn quickly.
On the upside though, my apartment is very warm, and our maintenance guy (a Morgan Freeman lookalike - no kidding) came and cleaned the air vents on Sunday. So now fresh bursts of hot air come breezing into my bedroom and bathroom to keep me semi-toasty. With the thermostat in my bedroom, I feel like the true mistress of my domain. Frozen boogers and all.


Anonymous said...

Another thing about frozen boogers, they make a fine projectile in the office when deftly flicked at some unsuspecting "snot". Altho' that's how wars start.

kilabyte said...

Reinforcements are on the way to keep you warm and loooookkkknnnn gooood - well, when they finally clear customs I guess.