Roasted Chicken Nachos
Originally uploaded by bump.
I found this nachos photo and recipe over at flickr.com, where all good photos (and chicken nachos recipes) go to "roost" - sorry, just some lame holiday humour there. Thanks to Mark for the pic and the top hints on how to prepare his stellar dish.
This photo is relevant to today's post because of the delightful dinner I have coming up tonight. Yes, another farewell for myself and batreg. This time, we're saying 'adios' to Courts and Tone. But I will remain brave and dry-eyed. No one has made me cry yet (the alcohol soaked sob-fest at Christmas time does not count).
So tonight we combine nachos, margaritas, sangria, and conversation to create a memorable and fun-filled farewell. No tears allowed, but crazy conga dancing around the restaurant and spontaneous pashing of waiters is okay.
Speaking of which, it is really a shame that the cute Frenchman with the slight paunch no longer works at the Vietnamese restaurant across the road from tonight's dinner venue. Sigh, he was such good eye candy while enjoying Mexican delights. Good eye candy while enjoying Vietnamese delights too, but one simply can't seem too keen and go in there all the time!
Such a cosmopolitan street is Melbourne Street, wouldn't you say?! I will miss it.
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