L' Anée Dernière a Marienbad
Originally uploaded by anapinta.
Everyone is well aware that my subconscious is perhaps a weirder world than this one. My dreams are often vivid, certainly in colour and, on occasion, contain clear messages or signs. What I do with those signs is up to me. If you believe in all that malarkey.
Last night's dream was set in a house very similar to the one in this photo (thanks to 'anapinta' over at flickr).
The dream was probably my subconscious tapping into Nicole Kidman and her film "The Others". I say this because my dream centered around me following the housekeeper around as she locked each door behind us to prevent the ghosts escaping.
She was quite up-front about the supernatural tenants and said that, as long as we removed our shoes each time we came into the house, all would be well.
Time had gone on and I was still following the housekeeper around with no sign of ghosties.
And then a lady turned up who I think was eager to buy the house. We did the obligatory "here is the observatory", "here is the kitchen" sorta tour, and then we came up to the study.
We walked in, and there she was. Reclined on the sofa, reading quite a big book, was the ghost of a lady in a white nightdress, with long and flowing hair. But she was actually the ghost of a mummy. Her flesh did not look attached to her bones in any reliable way.
Behind her on the wall unit was the ghost of a little boy (more solid this time), attempting to throw fine bone china at the ghost of a butler, who was swatting him away and telling him to get down.
I waved at the lady's ghost, simply because I saw her so clearly. This took the housekeeper by surprise; however, the ghost did not wave back. She went back to her reading and we continued with the open inspection.
I asked the housekeeper what she was reading. Upon hearing her reply (Thomas Hardy), all I could say was "well, that's quite an undertaking".
And if it really was Thomas Hardy then that explains why she is dead and still reading it ...... takes a millenium to get thru anything that guy wrote ........ "The Mayor of Casterbridge" ..... what a waste of time.
Ha, only if they make you read it at school.
I think Thomas Hardy was a drunk. Therefore, if you keep the glasses of wine flowing, "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" quickly becomes your favourite book!
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