Cry Baby
Originally uploaded by Jan Tik.
Okay so this pic is more "me" after an hour-long shopping spree in the City yesterday. I decided several days ago that I needed long pants to travel (in addition to jeans) and that, once I had them, I would be ready to roll.
But today's sentiment over at batreg was echoed yesterday after browsing the shops. I realised quite quickly that I had to buy what was on the shelves - I couldn't wait till next season. Normally the 'pressure shop' is an adrenalin rush of the best kind. Yesterday it sucked.
And I also had to shop for pants that I knew would still fit me with the weight loss I plan to endure walking around the European landscapes. This isn't wishful thinking if you consider my body when I got back from Europe last time. I looked good, felt great, and my cargo pants fell down when I breathed in. But that was the result of a 'no wine, no beer, not much dairy' diet that I adopted by virtue of living in a one-room apartment like an outcast. After all, no point buying runny brie if there's no one to help eat it. Communal living would have been better for that I now accept.
Since I will be living communally with our batreg in the coming months, chances are the temptation to indulge in brie, wine, and other local (ie fattening) delicacies will be much more prevalent.
So I made batreg promise yesterday that she won't let us indulge TOO much. I agreed to negotiate the purchase of our goods in the foreign language required, as long as she ensured the quantity was appropriate for moderate consumption.
No more tantrums in clothing stores. You heard it here first folks.
Can I just say to the world at large that last night that was about the posture and facial expressions when da momma (she who must be obeyed by ALL living creatures) was reluctant to do the hemming on the pants. A useful skill for you to culture while you're away. Maybe Batreg can teach you????????
Reluctant? Rubbish - she offered!
And I graciously accepted, naturally.
Can I just point out that I have made no such promises about restricting access to fattening Parisian delicacies! After the first day alone I plan on rolling you and Andrea to the James Bond ball.
Just so you know this is the bloke called anonymous
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