Veuve Clicquot
Originally uploaded by Dey.
I have been up for way too long today and have spent the better part of tonight reserving holiday accommodation online. I am highly doubtful that some of the hotels I wanted to book are REALLY fully occupied on the dates I selected. I think some tourism operators are in cahoots, that's what I reckon. It's a conspiracy, I tell you.
I even ended up writing to two convents and emailed them in Italian. Here's hoping the nuns stop laughing at my rusty Italian long enough to check their booking sheets. If there proves to be no room at the inn, Reg & I will no doubt be bag ladies in Rome, wheeling our belongings behind us to all the sites.
Cross fingers, cross eyeballs, whatever it takes - just keep the good vibrations coming and maybe we'll get somewhere. And be allowed to stay there.
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