Tuesday, December 07, 2004

All you can do is, step back in time

If you could go back in time to relive a particular event, what would it be?

I've been thinking about this very perplexing issue since yesterday (a long time for me), and I don't think I'm any closer to an answer. On the one hand, I'd be noble and say that I'd like to relive a particular family function I enjoyed, or a dinner with friends bla bla but let's get real here.

  • Who wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall at the assassination of JFK?
    To know who did it, silly - not to watch it!!
  • Why wouldn't you want to know just how Marilyn died?
    It wasn't suicide, people!
  • Who wouldn't want to dance down the street in celebration of the end of WW2?
    There's something about dancing in the streets that just appeals to me, and you can't do it just anywhere
  • How could you not want to be a part of the maiden voyage of the Titanic (okay, without that sinking feeling at the end, of course)
    Something about the glitz and glamour on the open seas sounds neat

See how hard it is? I'd be keen to hear what you think you'd go back to in life, if you could.

1 comment:

kilabyte said...

Or .... catch Santa in the act and ask him all those hard questions like .... how did he know I wanted that? why do I always have to kiss Auntie Gertie? when can I get a real gun instead of a water pistol? etc etc