Thursday, November 25, 2004

How about this heat?!

It is 9.15am on a Friday morning, my work email has decided it's just too hot to function, and I'm starting to think it's right.
Outside I am estimating that it's already about 32 degrees Celcius, which suggests that we are probably going to reach the projected 37 degrees, if not higher. I'm not usually so interested in the weather, but this current heatwave has come out of nowhere. And it has brought wardrobe issues with it.
For instance, what constitutes summer office wear? Bare arms? Bare shoulders? Bare legs? How bare do you dare? Then of course, my bare limbs create traffic mayhem because they are lily white and pretty well blinding. What can you expect after a winter's coverup? I suppose Adelaide motorists and the citizenry in general should just put up with my ghostly body and be grateful that my legs aren't hairy scary.
Today is the kind of day that is probably too hot to even be sitting down by the beach with a king-size gelato. But I would find it in myself to recline in a seaside cafe with a cold glass of rose or something.
That I could probably handle. Even at 9.15 in the morning!

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