Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Throw another one on the barbie

The ultra employable Hellraiser emailed me this morning, attaching an interesting article for my consideration. I like cooking, and I like experimenting with my cooking. But I don't know whether I'm really ready for the Peruvian national dish of...wait for it....guinea pigs.

Particularly not since Joshua's pets, Chad (the stud) and Bonnie (his long-suffering and exhausted missus), had several litters of guinea piglets in recent months. I mean, I've held those piglets, and didn't want to put any of them on skewers once.

Okay perhaps I'm being silly. Maybe when I'm in Peru, I will be presented with a bowl of guinea pig stew, or stir fried guinea pig, and it will taste like chicken. After all, everything else does, right? "The Age" article suggests that they taste like rabbit, so a bit more gamey than the taste sensation I might be expecting.

But I think it's hard to expect Western audiences to embrace this new food movement eagerly. I mean, eating guinea pig when you're in Peru is one thing, but when your'e dining out in London it's not really what you'd expect, is it? Still, if I enjoy a shiskebab of guinea pig while I'm sunning it up in Cuzco next year, by the time I get to London it will be such old news, I'll be ready to move on to the next food fad.

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