Monday, December 31, 2007

Another year over, and a new one just begun

Tonight we bid farewell to 2007 and I know that it's supposed to be a time of reflection, a chance to put the year in review and see what you might have done better/the same/not at all.

I couldn't be bothered doing any of that.

Instead, I am spending my final day of 2007 at work, trying to look busy, and failing miserably. I have checked my hotmail about 5 times in the last 10 minutes, browsed all the online stores I can think of for any last-minute bargains that I have no intention of snapping up, and watching Mero read Einstein's biography and having her tell me that one look at Frau Einstein and it was no wonder Albert spent so much time in his lab - woof woof. Yes, it's been one of those days.

So tonight I'm off to one of my favourite Chicago bars to celebrate New Year's Eve, with a lock-in party where I get an open bar of top-shelf goods, plus a buffet of delicious appetisers, from 8pm to 1am. Then I strongly suspect that I will jump into the first cab and head home for a long sleep. Fortunately I have January 1 & 2 off work so I will become very good friends with my sofa and cable TV (if I wasn't already!).

Chicago enacts its city-wide smoking ban from midnight tonight, which means that all public places will finally be smoke-free. I am very pleased about this of course, though I know that since they won't be able to smoke indoors anymore, the smokers will simply congregate right outside the entrance of any club/pub I want to go into, meaning I will still get anointed in stinky smokiness wherever I go. But at least the death glares I dish out will be legitimate this time.

HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL (even the smokers)!!

1 comment:

glamah16 said...

Sounds like my day today. Happy New Year. Heres to another year of great blogging.