vampire sex mouth
Originally uploaded by chickencat.
I'd been at a jazz night for The Cult at a cute (oops, hip) South Loop venue called "The Hothouse" tonight and then Jenn and me decided to bail early and head to Ben Pao for dinner.
After a couple of blood orange martinis and some terribly spicy dragon noodles, I was ready to head home. But perhaps it was the MSG, or maybe it was just tunnel vision on the part of the cab drivers, but we could simply not get a taxi. 3, 4, 5 empty cabs went sailing past us, as Jenn waved her arms frantically in the air in a vain attempt to hail one.
It was then that she declared rather emphatically that we were obviously vampires. Clearly we had no reflection at all, and we were just going to have to find the nearest rafter and spend the night dangling upside down from it.
So I cracked a tantrum in the middle of Ohio Street and started power walking to "Pops for Champagne", thinking that a little glass of bubbles might make me feel less like the undead. And it was then that Jenn decided to inform me that a rather unattractive 'hoodlum' (as she called him) was tailing us on foot. So HE could see us but given that he wasn't driving a cab, I was content to ignore him and we picked up the pace.
Circling the very full bar, we agreed that there was no way we were getting a drink any time soon, so we left and walked a block or so north to grab a cab.
FINALLY we were spotted by a sympathetic taxi driver and he ferried us home. I event left him a fairly handsome tip, and left his neck intact.
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