Originally uploaded by Miss Gab.
Tonight I got the chance to indulge in a fabulous event that I will remember for a loooong time.
I got a chance ot meet Mem Fox, the Adelaide author of "Possum Magic", which was basically required reading of all South Australian primary school kids - certainly ever since I was a little girl. Mem Fox dedicated the book to her daughter Chloe, who is about my age now, and it's little wonder that I grew up loving the book.
So when the Chairman of the Chicago Public Library invited me to his house for a reception to welcome Mem Fox to Chicago, how could I refuse?
Mem is here in Chicago to speak at an event that promotes literacy amongst Chicago public school children. In typical Aussie tradition she agreed to be polite, but also to speak her mind, and make it very clear that literacy is a right, not a privilege.
Tonight she wasn't hawking "Possum Magic" (though, ever the geek, I took along some copies for her to sign). Rather she was promoting her 'text book' about childhood literacy, that asks parents to encourage their children to read (as distinct from teaching them to read). It's about loving books and loving the act of reading, rather than being so rigid about what material the kids are choosing to read.
It was lovely to meet an Adelaide expat in such a beautiful atmosphere and, with any luck, I'll get another chance to catch up with her before she heads home later this week.
Onya Sonya ... now all we need is John Grisham, Clive Cussler, Catherine Cookson, Bryce Courtney and a few other luminaries and we're set .....
Gotta love the healing properties of a Vegemite sanger don't cha ... if Mem's one of your new bossum buddies you can take us all round for fairy bread and mangoes when you're home!
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