Happy Turkey Day!
Originally uploaded by DIversify DI.
Last Thanksgiving here in Chicago, it was a horrible -18 degrees celcius and yet I trudged all the way to Caro's house to enjoy my first American holiday. Turkey is not my favourite meat, but the meal last year was delicious and the company was wonderful.
This year the weather was much warmer, but the food and wine and company were just as fabulous as before. I accepted a lovely invitation from our Trade Commissioner and it turned into a wonderful all-Aussie Thanksgiving. My boss and her husband, another colleague, and a couple of members of the Chicago cricket team all came together for a great feast. The roast potatoes with sprigs of rosemary were delicious - crunchy and golden.
Even the turkey went down a treat. Granted I smothered it with the yummiest pan-juice gravy I've had in a long time. But I didn't make a guts of myself and left room for some great dessert - a custard tart with raisins and muscat. I even had a glass of muscat to accompany it.
But I got home about 7pm and didn't overdo it today so I'm feeling fine and ready to face another day off tomorrow. The Consulate staff are getting together to watch the Ashes telecast tomorrow night at a neighbourhood pub. We just can't do without it. Who says the Thanksgiving weekend can't incorporate all kinds of traditions?
So you liked the food so much you just "gobble gobbled" it down.
aaahahahah I crack myself up!!
That deserves a turkey slap!
Haha you girls are such yams...
a 'turkey slap' a la Big Brother...??
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