Monday, July 17, 2006

Life is Short, just ask Martin

Originally uploaded by smackfu.
Chicago sweltered through a heatwave this past weekend and I was resolved not to sit around my un-airconditioned apartment to suffer through it. Instead, I decided that my Sunday would be better spent in the cool of the LaSalle Bank Theater, enjoying the final matinee performance of Martin Short's musical, "Fame Becomes Me".

Admittedly it was a bit self-indulgent buying a ticket to the show, but the hands-down best thing about buying a single ticket is that you tend to get the best seats in the house. Indeed, my seat was towards the end of the fourth row of the theater. Fabulous! At times I felt like I was standing out as a solo theater-goer (Nigel No-Friends meets Rhonda Rent-A-Crowd), but I tried not to dwell on that.

I was so immersed in the musical that I didn't realise that at one point in the show, Martin Short himself slid into the vacant seat next to me. And then on cue, he jumped into my lap with a big smile on his face, and then just as quickly stood up and shimmied along the row into the aisle to take the stage. Classic!

I'm not one for audience participation, but I got a kick out of that.

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