Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Toasting a successful Stage 1

Veuve Clicquot
Originally uploaded by Dey.
I was walking down North LaSalle street last night, in the direction of the Union League Club and I have to confess that I was having some pretty major second thoughts. Did I really want to go to the Prospective Members Reception (or the PMR, for those in the know)? Was it all too la-di-dah for me? Would the absence of my "stop talking" filter betray me as just another silly girl looking to belong?

Well all that nonsense was just that, and I needn't have worried so much. The reception went really well and while I was one of the first people to arrive (a good impression, as it turned out), I was immediately targeted by the President of the Membership Committee who has offered to be one of my sponsors on my application. She was closely followed by a 40-something male attorney, who also offered to sponsor me.

"What nice people," thought I, not realising that existing members who sponsor new people - who also happen to be female AND under 35 - have their memberships credited with bonus Loyalty Points. [See kids, it pays to read the copious membership materials that get pitched at your in times like these]

But I figure that I could do a lot worse than to befriend the President of the Membership Committee and a well-dressed corporate attorney, right?

The facilities at the Club were just beautiful, and were what I'd expected to find - which is always encouraging.

I am now in the process of putting together my membership application and submitting it formally.

And Jems, you needn't worry - the Club caters for all personal care needs. So EVERYONE showers and shaves at this place, but I will keep an eye out for hidden passageways and 'masquerade balls' just in case...

1 comment:

kilabyte said...

Don't forget to find out the room rack rates .... ya never know when ya might need the intel.