Friday, March 10, 2006

The sound of silence

When I left Australia and started 'trotting the globe', every week brought something novel into my life. Either I was transiting a new country; sampling a new cuisine; or battling a new weather condition (-4 degrees Celcius on the tarmac at Charles de Gaulle airport was a trip in itself).

And I guess I was actively searching for this rapidly-changing adventurous lifestyle. But I'd like to think I was also astute enough at the time to realise that, at some stage, the bubble was going to burst. Perhaps not in spectacular fashion, but certainly that things would soon settle and go 'back to normal'.

While I'm not bogged down in a Chicago-based rut right now, life has pretty much done just that. I have a routine, and I have weekend chores to do. I have responsibilities at work, and friendships to maintain. All in all, it's become quite a good way to live, but it's just not very exciting to blog about.

As an alternative, I suppose I could turn this blog into a fantasy realm, and just make up a whole lot of stuff. But frankly that sort of charade is way too exhausting to maintain.

So I'm just going to beg your forgiveness and a good bit of patience while I'm off doing laundry, and venture to suggest that life as I know it will have to get more exciting very soon.


Anonymous said...

I know how you could make your blogs more interesting....POST MORE PICTURES!!!!

Unknown said...

Ah Paris in winter nothing as chilly as that first introduction waiting for the Roissy bus, you'll never reclaim that but you could revert to republish highland flings as your alternate life blog? Maybe