Thursday, August 04, 2005

You just put your lips together and Pf-oof

One of the positive things I picked up on my travels through France is the pf-oof.

No, it's not a noise your body involuntarily makes. It's a very intentional, almost non-verbal little expression that conveys just about every emotion. Among others, it's perfectly appropriate to pf-oof in frustration; resignation; dissatisfaction; occupation; and fatigue.

The pf-oof is most often (and most appropriately) used when forced to sardine onto the Parisian metro, and the fact that I've rolled over its use into Scotland is evidence of a truly European adventure.

Try it and you'll see how versatile an expression the pf-oof can be. Just remember that a well-timed eyeball roll is the perfect accompaniment to this jolie expression. Tres French, dahling!


Parisienne said...

You will have to come back now so that I can teach you some more expressions and equivalents! I guess that learning another language has to come in handy for something sometimes.

Unknown said...

Any expressions you can pass on to help deal with the frustrations of busy Paris would be helpful.

But as if I need an excuse to come back to the City!

Anonymous said...

But is it as expressive as the more traditional Ozzy crow call - phaark!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can try it on the banks next time you try for an account

Unknown said...

Believe me, the bank is going to get the full force of my Pf-oof if they don't give me a bank account TODAY. I am going to channel my inner Rockin' and sort it out!